Explore Livvy B, Mental Health & More!

My Experiences Growing Up & Living With Acute Dyslexia
If I’m honest I’ve had several attempts at writing this blog.  I started off by trying to write in detail, about my history of growing up with dyslexia but I felt I was portraying myself too much as a victim...
"I'm not sure this 9-5 sounds like me", "How do I get a job in the city?", A" recruiter? How do I get one of those?", "What am I meant to be typing in the search box on Linkedin?" These...
Navigating University: Top Tips for settling into University
 Written by Mabel Pickard Stepping onto a campus is like embarking on a thrilling adventure, a journey full of opportunities for growth, learning and self-discovery. Whether you are straight out of school or have taken a year out, the world of...
Unlocking the Secrets of Sleep
Written by Madge Leeson, age 18 One of life’s most inimitable feelings, the moment that you’re consumed by sleep. The sensation of your eyes drooping, unable to keep them open as your thoughts of the daytime dissipate, drifting into a...
Top Tips: Feel Energised Daily Using Pranic Healing Methods
Currently undergoing clinical trials within the NHS, Pranic Healing is one of the worlds fastest growing and most effective energy healing modalities, combining ancient teaching techniques with modern science. Below Pranic Therapist Carina von Greyerz Beck explains & shares information...
How I Work With My Teens And Myself When Suffering From Anxiety And Stressful Situations
There seems to be a lot of anxiety in the air at the moment.  I’ve had quite a few phone calls from my children starting to see GCSE’s and A levels looming, but also friends and acquaintances who are really...
Understanding The Teenage Brain By David Robson
Our brain changes hugely during adolescence. New research shows how we can use this transformation to help teens achieve their potential.  Terri Apter, a psychologist, still remembers the time she explained to an 18-year-old how the teenage brain works: "So...
Livvy's Magnesium Plus Wonder Cream - Magnesium Cream
Our NEW Magnesium cream is SO much more than just a magnesium cream like other products on the market. As we all know magnesium is hugely important to our health and there are a few of these creams on the...
How To Help Your Child Deal With Anxiety Of Starting A New School Year
The stress for some children starting a new school year can be impossibly overwhelming for many reasons.  Maybe they are starting a new school, maybe they are going into a serious exam year, maybe they have struggled in their school...
Did You Suffer From Back To School Saddness? I'm Talking About You Parents, Not The Kids!
Would it be a sweeping generalisation to say I cannot believe there is one parent on the whole planet who has never experienced profound frustration towards their teenager at some point over the summer holidays and wishes they would just...
"It's Not About Exercise, It's About Movement" By Ed Knowles BSc Plus A 7 Minute Movement Video
The importance of exercise while revising for exams or during stressful times in our lives has been well documented. Like everything in our modern world, the information is only a google search or an Alexa ask away. However, science terminology...
The Naked Pharmacy Explains The Physiology Behind Stress & Mental Health Issues & Discusses Clinically Proven Natural Supplements.
Exams and the build-up to them can be extremely stressful for parents and students alike. Increased screen time, the pressure to succeed, deadlines, balancing academics and extra curriculars; in particular the inability to switch off causes stress and anxiousness.  Below,...
How To Use Breathing To Reduce And Calm Physical And Mental Anxiety Syptoms
I think I must have been around the age of 9 when I discovered the benefits of controlled breathing and I have used it pretty much every day since.  Bearing in mind I was 9 in the 1980's, it shows...
How To Guide And Support Your Teen With Revision And Exams By Alicia Drummond, BACP Accredited Therapist, Parenting Expert,
  Anything, and I mean literally anything, is preferable to revision which fulfils not one of a young person’s needs for novelty, excitement, and immediate reward. We all know that failing to prepare equals preparing to fail, but there is...
How Best To Fuel The Brain When Revising And Preparing For Exams By Eva Humphries.
BANT registered (British Association For Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine) Eva Humphries (DipION, mBANT, CNHC, Nutritional Therapist) answers our questions on how best to support the brain with food and drink during revision and exams. 1. What are the key foods...
Managing Revision And Exam Stress By Sophie Holcroft
Exam season is approaching, which you may be dreading, but try to shift your mindset to it's your time to shine! All that hard work and hours of homework will hopefully feel worth it as you show off how brilliant...
The Art and Brief History of Block Printing by Sophie Holcroft
  Block printing is an art form that has stood the test of time. It is a printing technique that involves stamping fabric with carved wooden blocks. These blocks are works of art in themselves! They are created by skilled...
Adolescent Mental Health From A Mum’s Perspective
*This blog was written a couple of years ago but I have been asked to repost by parents who have said it really helped them......I hope if you are a parent with a child struggling with mental health, this might...
A Teenage Bedroom By Sophie Holcroft, 19
After a long day, nothing beats coming home and cozying up into bed. Fluffy socks on and a hot water bottle at the ready. I asked my friends about the importance of their bedroom, many said it was their happy...